Published Theoretical Manuscripts Related to Gender Role Conflict

Addis, M.E. & Mahalik, J.R. (2003). Men masculinity, and the context of help seeking. American Psychologist, 58, 5-14.

Blazina, C. (1997). The fear of the feminine in the western psyche and the masculine task of disidentification: Their effect on the development of masculine gender role conflict. Journal of Men’s Studies, 6, 55-68.

Brooks, G.R. (1990). Post-Vietnam gender role strain: A needed concept? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, 18-25.

Garnets, L. & Pleck, J. (1979). Sex role identity, androgyny, and sex role transcendence: A sex role strain analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 3, 270-283.

Harper, S.R., Harris, F., Mmeje, K.C. (2006). A theoretical model to explain the over representation of college men among campus judicial offenders: Implications for campus administrators. NASPA Journal, 42, 565-

Liu, W.m. (2002). The social class-related experiences of men: Integrating theory and practice. 33, 355-360.

Mintz, L. & O’Neil, J.M. (1990). Sex, gender role, and the process of psychotherapy: Theory and research. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 381-387.

Norton, J. (1997). Deconstructing the fear of femininity. Feminism and psychology, 7, 441-447.

O’Neil, J.M. (2012).  The Psychology of Men.  In Oxford Handbook of Counseling Psychology, E. Altmaier & J. Hansen (Eds.), New York: Oxford University Press.

O’Neil, J. M. (1981). Patterns of gender role conflict and strain: Sexism and fear of femininity in men’s lives. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60, 203-210.

O’Neil, J.M. (1981). Males sex-role conflict, sexism, and masculinity: Implications for men, women, and the counseling psychologist. The Counseling Psychologist, 9, 61-80.

O’Neil, J. M. (1982). Gender role conflict and strain in men’s lives: Implications for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other human service providers. In K. Solomon & N. B. Levy (Eds.), Men in transition: Changing male roles, theory, and therapy. New York: Plenum Publishing Co.

O’Neil, J. M. (1990). Assessing men’s gender role conflict. In D. Moore & F. Leafgren (Eds.) Men in conflict: Problem solving strategies and interventions. Alexandria, VA: American Association for Counseling and Development.

O’Neil, J.M. (August, 1992). Gender role conflict research: New directions to understand men’s violence. In R. Levant (Chair), Toward a new psychology of men. Symposium conducted at the 100th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

O’Neil, J.M. (1996). The gender role journey workshop: Exploring sexism and gender role conflict in a coeducational setting. In M.A. Andronico (Ed.) Men in groups: Insights, interventions, psychoeducational work. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

O’Neil, J.M. & Nadeau, R.A. (1999). Men’s gender-role conflict, defense mechanism, and self-protective defensive strategies: Explaining men’s violence against women from a gender-role socialization perspective. In M. Harway & J.M. O’Neil (Eds.) What causes men’s violence against women? Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications.

O’Neil, J.M. & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. Wainrib (Ed.) Gender issues across the life cycle. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

O’Neil, J.M. & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s gender role transitions over the life span: Transformations and fears of femininity. Journal of Mental Health Counseling 14, 305-324.

O’Neil, J.M. & Egan, J. (1992). Abuses of power against women: Sexism, gender role conflict, and psychological violence. In E. Cook (Ed.) Women, relationships, and power: Implications for counseling. Alexandria, VA.: ACA Press.

O’Neil, J.M., Egan, J., Owen, S. V., & Murry, V. (1993). The gender role journey measure (JRJM): Scale development and psychometric evaluations. Sex Roles, 28, 167-185.

O’Neil, J.M., Fishman, D.M., & Kinsella-Shaw, M. (1987). Dual-career couples’ career transitions and normative dilemmas: A preliminary assessment model. The Counseling Psychologist, 15 (1), 50-96.

O’Neil, J.M. & Fishman, D. (1992). Adult men’s career transitions and gender role themes. In H. D. Lea & Z.B. (Eds.) 2nd Edition, Adult career development: Concepts, issues, and practices. Alexandria, VA.: ACA Press.

O’Neil, J.M., Good, G.E. & Holmes, S. (1995). Fifteen years of theory and research on men’s gender role conflict: New paradigms for empirical research. In R. Levant & W. Pollack (Eds.) The new psychology of men (pp. 164-206). New York: Basic Books.

O’Neil, J.M. & Harway, M. (1997). A multivariate model explaining men’s violence toward women. Violence Against Women. 3, 182-203.

O’Neil, J. M., Helms, B., Gable, R. David, L. & Wrightsman, L. (1986). Gender-role conflict scale: College men’s fear of femininity. Sex Roles, 14, 5/6, 335-350.

O’Neil, J.M. (2006). Helping Jack heal his emotional wounds using the gender role conflict diagnostic schema . In M. Englar-Carlson & M.A. Stevens (Eds.) In the therapy room with men: A casebook about psychotherapeutic process and change with male clients. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

O’Neil, J.M. & Lujan, M. L. (2009) An assessment paradigm for fathers in therapy using gender role conflict theory. In C. Z. Oren & D. C. Oren (Eds.) Counseling fathers. Taylor & Francis Group.

O’Neil, J.M. (2008). Men’ gender role conflict: 25 year research summary (Special Issue). The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 358-476.

O’Neil, J.M. (2008). Summarizing twenty-five years of research on men’s gender role conflict using the Gender Role Conflict Scale: New research paradigms and clinical implications. The Counseling Psychologist. 36, 358-445.

O’Neil, J.M. (2008). Complexity, contextualism, and multiculturalism: Response to critiques and future directions for the Gender Role Conflict Research Program. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 469-476.

Pleck, J. (1981). The myth of masculinity. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.

Pleck, J.H. (1995). The gender role strain paradigm: An update. In R.F. Levant & W.S. Pollack (Eds.) A new psychology of men. New York: Basic Books

Shek, Y. L. (2006). Asian American masculinity: A review of the literature. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 14, 379-391.

Wester, S.R. (2008). Gender role conflict and multiculturalism: Implications for Counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist. 36, 294-324.